How To Do a Perfect Push Up Beginners Guide - Best Chest Workout, According to a study of the University of Hampshire, a man or woman who can do push-ups every day can get a more disease-free healthy life compared to an ordinary man.
But according to our busy lifestyle nowadays people can't manage enough time to go to the gym, every day but one who can want to stay fit and healthy can manage only 30 minutes from his /her whole day. So guys in this article I will tell how anyone can do a perfect push-up and build attractive physic at home or at the gym.
Make perfect push-ups we haven't need any gadgets or instruments. we just need our hands a towel and a water bottle.
Push Up Beginners:
We all know that the beginning was the toughest part of the journey. If we can do a good start at the beginning.
As a beginning of push-up, we can start this with our hands and knees on the floor. Because if you can do push-ups after a long time or you never do push-ups before you have to start like the picture below.
First of all, we have to bend our knees to the floor and put our hands on the floor. And down side your chest in the floor direction. Then try to go downside first and move back to your first position. And continue this process minimum of 10 times repetition for each set and the ideal sets will be 3-5 for the beginners level.
How to Do a Perfect regular Push-Up:
It's like building a house when it comes to shaping your body, you’ll need a strong foundation first. And there’s no better brick than a classic move to help fortify your muscles and your technique for any other exercises to come.
And the Push-ups works for you. Once you master the regular Push-Up, you’ll be able to mix and match them along with their variations for better workouts and a stronger you. Here’s how to do a push-up.
The regular push-ups
Here is the hand position of a regular position. Hand position is the key that shows how successful is your push-ups journey. It differs between you and your competitors.
The ideal gap is one foot. Otherwise, you can also put your elbow and measure the distance.
Why it's great?
Push-ups are one of the best foundational moves for your body. For starters, you can do them virtually anywhere using only your body weight.
And while they are known for strengthening and toning the chest, shoulders, and arms, they’ll also give your core stability a boost.
Get into the plank position with your feet hip-distance apart, abs pulled in toward your spine, and hands directly beneath your shoulders.
Your spine should be in a flat, neutral position. Slowly lower your body toward the floor, and then press back up to start. Keep your core tight throughout the movement to prevent your hips from dipping down or rising up.
- Start into a high plank position
- Lower your body
- Push back up
Mistakes You Can't do:
Mistake no 1: Letting your back sag or arch
How to fix:
sure, push-ups are known for strengthening your pecs, shoulders, and triceps, but they are actually a total-body move.
you'll want to engage your lower body. Focus on tightening your glutes and legs to keep your lower back from arching or sagging during the move.
And instead of letting your hips flop to the floor, press your chest to the floor first, keeping hips in the same plane as shoulders.
Mistake no 2: Forgetting to the breadth
How to fix:
Don’t hold your breath. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how often people forget. Inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up.
Mistake no 3: Dipping your forehead toward the floor
How to fix:
If you’ve ever had neck pain while doing PUSH-UPS chances are you’re not holding your neck in a neutral position.
If you don't have the strength to lower your chest to the floor yet, it’s common to strain your neck so your forehead lowers first. You can fix this by picking a point on the floor a few feet in front of you to stare at.
If you still feel yourself twisting your neck into a strange angle, bring your knees down to the floor until your form improves.
While push-ups target your entire chest, this move hits the top part of the pectoral muscles even more.
Generally speaking, it’s good to add variety to your workouts to challenge muscles in different ways, as you’ll always be using them in different ways.
An added bonus to this move is that you can keep changing it up by changing the incline level: Perform it on a step at the gym, while holding a sturdy park bench, or even against a wall.
Get into the plank position, and place your hands on a step with your hands beneath your shoulders. Lower your body down and press up. Perform 10 reps. If this is too challenging, try doing them on your knees.
Some other push-ups variation
Like the name implies, this move challenges your body in the opposite direction and targets the lower portion of your pectoral muscles. Decline push-ups are versatile like their cousins, as you can do them outside with your feet up on a step.
Get into a plank position with your toes on a step and hands beneath your shoulders. Pull your abs in toward your spine, and lower your body toward the floor. Press up to start. Perform 8 to 10 reps.
Note: Decline push-ups are slightly more advanced and challenging, so save them for when you’re more comfortable.
Triceps Push-Ups
This variation targets your triceps and adds a little spice to your push-up routine. Get into the plank position, and walk your hands toward your chest to form a triangle with your fingers.
You may want to start on your knees, as these are more difficult than a typical push-up. Lower your body in a controlled manner to the floor and press back up to start. Perform 6 to 10 reps.
And there are many kinds of push-ups in the market you can also try this at home. But if you can do regular push-ups daily you also increase your general
physical and mental strength.
In Bottom line:
Hope you like the post Push Up Beginners Guide.
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